Abstract Submission Deadline Extended : November 15, 2024 December 5, 2024
Please take note that only online submissions are accepted. Submitted abstracts must fit the format that doesn't include graphics and tables (please follow the Abstract template).
Authors of the submitted abstracts for presentation must also make separate registration for the conference by filling in the Registration Form. A single registration cover up to one paper.
Abstracts are evaluated and selected according to the peer reviews by the scientific committee of the conference and scholars specialized in this field.
Oral Preparation
- Language: All slides should be prepared in English
- 8 minutes presentation, 2 minutes Q&A
Poster Preparation
- Language: All Posters should be prepared in English.
- Poster Size: A0(841 x 1189 mm)
- 6 minutes presentation, 2 minutes Q&A
Evaluation Criteria for Oral / Poster Competition:
+ 20% for design
+ 40% for academic content
+ 40% presentation with Q&A
The list of award winners will be announced in the Banquet of the Conference.
*Oral / Poster competition is only for students.